Browser Based Control
Full control system accessed via a browser allowing maximum system portability.
Control software of Critus in situ electric field cells is embedded within the systems. No dedicated control PC is required, and all control and macroscopic property data acquisition is performed through a browser.

The system can be connected directly to a single computer via a simple USB connection, or registered on the local network and controlled from any PC on the same network. This versatility allows for the system to be utilised as stand-alone instruments in a lab, or within the complex control environments of synchrotron x-ray sources where communication to other equipment is necessary.

Once connected, simply open a browser window and navigate to the device address to find a fully featured control interface. The system is built using online gaming technology and optimised for rapid data presentation and active control of the device. Data are immediately visible and downloadable from the device in multiple formats.
A data set browser allows data collections to be quickly compared to guide ongoing experimentation.

Bulk Transmission Geometry
Working with high-energy x-rays offers some advantages in the study of bulk electro-mechanical materials. The Transmission Geometry system is ideally suited for use at high-energy synchrotron x-ray beamlines or lab sources with higher energy targets such as Ag or Mo. Precise polarization and strain measurements can be obtained in-situ at voltages up to ±7.5 kV.

Bulk Reflection Geometry
The Reflection Geometry system allows electric fields of ±5kV to be applied to bulk materials while conducting XRD measurements from a surface. Ideal for electro-ceramic and single crystal research in laboratory or synchrotron x-ray systems. Electrical current and displacements sensors are packaged within the unit allowing simultaneous strain and polarization measurements.